The House of Sheba Crown Family Ancestral Birth Regions & Throne Region Africa.
(EATA) Eurasia - AFRICA - The Americas

(EATA) Eurasia - AFRICA - The Americas

The ETAMENAA Royal House Family Houses of Sheba Nobility EURASIA

The Imperial Throne
Crown Family International Representatives

House of Sheba Crown Representative H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi the President of AACID at Arab League Meetings

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi - President of AACID-Arab-Africa Council for Integration and Development.

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi the President of AACID Arab-Africa Council for Integration and Development.

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi the President of AACID at Arab League Meetings

The Crown Prime Minister His Royal Highness Prince Fritz Gerald Zephir - House of Sheba (Queendom Government/World)

H.E The Crown Senator Lady Laila - House of Sheba

H.E Senator Sir Andries Cornelius Young is the Crown Chancellor of the Imperial House Crown Family Affairs. He is in second capacity the Crown Family Senate representative for the Environment. The Imperial House of Sheba Crown Family Chancellor

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Abdulaziz Ahmad Ali Ahmad - House of Sheba (International)

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi the President of AACID Arab-Africa Council for Integration and Development.

Her Imperial Majesty The Empress Shebah III and Prince Consort Hendrik II of Friesland on Their Highness Wedding Day (1981)
Freerk Hendrik II of Bedum died in 1989 and was post-humus in 2004 formal given the title Duke Hendrik II Of Nubia-Sheba House of Sheba, House of Kasambu'Ra Imperial Crown Family as one of Grandfathers and Great-Grandfathers of the Dynastic Successions lines. The entitlement included in the Nobility the House of Sietsema, House of Van Eede, House of Paans, House of De Keizer and Van Deventer.
The Imperial Crown
Sovereign Imperial House Of Sheba Ruling House of KASAMBU'RA Throne Family

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.
Album 1.
The Crown Family of Queendom of Sheba

ETAMENAA Caribbean-Americas Ruling House family Lines Nobility___Queen Shebah III with her father HH Michael II

HH Freerk Hendrik III of Friesland and Queen Shebah III the Queen Of Sheba on their wedding day.
Album 2.
The Imperial Throne Royals
The Crown Family of The Eurasia - Africa - The Americas (EATA) Bloodlines Ruling House of SHEBA, Africa

The Mother of Queen Shebah III the Queen of Sheba and HH Marcus II the sole two Children of the marriage Queen Mary VII and the Late Michael II

Michael II and Mary VII The Parents of Queen Shebah III the Queen of Sheba

The Mother Of Shebah III HH Throne-Mother Queen Mary-Janet VII
Album 3.
The House Of Sheba Crown Family
The Royal Family Community of House of Sheba MENA - African Union Thrones

The Royal House of SHEBA Nubia-Sheba Asere Royal House Family of the Ruling ETAMENAA lines

The Royal House of SHEBA Nubia-Sheba Asere Royal House Family of the Ruling ETAMENAA lines

Royals Gallery

Battle Of Katamansu as told by Katamansu is a key presentation at QS-III Summit by HRH His Highness Prince Stephen Nii Otu Affotey the Son of the Queen Of Nungua and Grandson of the King Of Katamansu.
''Ga forces proved to be more superior in terms of battlefield experience while the Ashantis rely on the numbers. As the fighting raged on, Ada forces from the east began approaching and later joined in the fighting and by the next day 8th August, 1826, 2:00 GMT Ga Akwashon Mantse Nii Kwatei Kojo ordered the Kotopon Flag to be raised over Ahiam declaring total victory over the invincible Ashanti Army.
Many of the wives and children of the Ashanti King were captured and later brought to Akra hence today one can see household names bearing Akan dialect.
The Royal Regalia of the Akwapim people which were seized by the invading Ashanti Army was captured during the war and later returned to the Akwapim people under their King Nana Addo Danquah I.
Nubian Kingdom Nations East/West Royal Family Ga-Dangbe lines QUEEN of NUNGUA, Deputy-Vice Chairwoman NKN dual Federations Supreme Council of Thrones Council Of Queens. The East lines migrated Ga Dangbe Nation Nungua Throne of the family lines and Houses of the Asere Patriarchal & Matriarchal Asasi Throne Line Nation. Ruling Family House of the Queen of East-Africa Nubian Kingdom Nation & West-Africa Nubia-Sheba Nation lines lines Royal Kingdoms Family House of the Nubian Queen.
Her Highness is the Daughter of the MANTSE of KATAMANSU HRM Nii Otu Akwetey IX. The African Continent NKN GaDangbe Royal House Family Throne lines that led the Great Battle of KATAMANSU in mid 1800s that led, in great part of the Abolishion of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, with the Abolishion of Slavery followng the historical Battle, that saved millions of lives. A Battle of the Nubian Ga Nation with related and neighbouring Kingdoms Lines in particularly the Fanti. A special ceremony for launch of a project in honor of that, by the Supreme Council Of Thrones at the Caribbean QS-III Royal Summit 2015.
A historic battle fought between the GaDangme Nation and the Ashanti Kingdom in the forest of Ahiam, later to be known as Katamansu.
In the year 1824, the Ashantis invaded FANTILAND and besiege the Fantis in order to seize the coastline and gain access to the trade in slave and ammunition. A time timely intervention by Ga Forces beat back the Ashanti invasion which then prompted the Ashanti King Osei Tutu Kwame to declare war on the Ga. After his return to Kumasi he passed away and his nephew Osei Yaw Akoto became King of Ashanti. He vowed to invade Akra and punish the Ga people for the intervention during their Cape Coast campaign. He gathered an army of 40,000 and began his march towards Akra.
The Ashanti Army camped in the Ahiam forest. Intelligence information had reached Akra of the Ashanti Army approaching the Ga plains. Ga Akwashon Mantse Nii Kwatei Kojo, Supreme Commander and Field Marshal of GaDangme Military Forces began mobilization to face the Ashanti in the forest of Ahiam. He gathered all the Chiefs of the various Divisions and began earnest preparations for battle. All the various Chiefs gathered their men and ammunition for war.
Ga military forces met the Ashantis in the forest of Ahiam. Hemmed in by the Akwapims hills to the north and the Volta River to the east was fought the ‘soldiers battle’ which decided the fate of the Gold Coast. Before the battle commenced, Ga Mantse Nii Tackie Kome I was ordered to address Ga troops and this is what he had to say ‘Spurn discord and disunity. Unite and obey the one supreme voice [God] and the world itself will fall to your feet. Let this be my commandment to you for all generations.’On 7th August, 1826, GaDangme military forces clashed with the Ashanti Army.
Ga forces proved to be more superior in terms of battlefield experience while the Ashantis rely on the numbers. As the fighting raged on, Ada forces from the east began approaching and later joined in the fighting and by the next day 8th August, 1826, 2:00 GMT Ga Akwashon Mantse Nii Kwatei Kojo ordered the Kotopon Flag to be raised over Ahiam declaring total victory over the invincible Ashanti Army.
Many of the wives and children of the Ashanti King were captured and later brought to Akra hence today one can see household names bearing Akan dialect. The Royal Regalia of the Akwapim people which were seized by the invading Ashanti Army was captured during the war and later returned to the Akwapim people under their King Nana Addo Danquah I.
In October, 1826, the Akwapims celebrated the Odwria Festival in a grand style to celebrate the return of their Royal Regalia which were captured by Ga Forces on the battlefield of Katamansu, Transatlantic Slave Trade from the Gold-Coast was abolished by the British after the Battle Of Katamansu. The defeat of the Ashantis by GaDangmes forces changed the military balance in the then Gold Coast and has served as a precedent to the stability of Akra till this very day.
We have to always remember our forefathers who fought to defend Akra against Ashanti military aggression. Their courageous feat have to be acknowledged at all times and be a guide to the present generation of today.
To this end the NKN Ga Kingdoms Katamansu Royal Resort Project start with 2015 ARK Summit, to under the Supreme Council Of Thrones, to Memorialise the area of this sugnificant battle of the Nubian East migrated West lines that changed, history in 1826, and again in 2013, and 2014 with the recognition of the Nubian Nations Tribes and expansion of Noble Court to the Diaspora Noble lines, after Imperial Matriarchal Throne Decree of the Nubian Nation Queen. Which lead to the now 2015 Royal Family visit, to the Caribbean.