The House of Sheba Crown Family Ancestral Birth Regions & Throne Region Africa.
(EATA) Eurasia - AFRICA - The Americas

(EATA) Eurasia - AFRICA - The Americas

The ETAMENAA Royal House Family Houses of Sheba Nobility EURASIA

The Imperial Throne
Crown Family International Representatives

House of Sheba Crown Representative H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi the President of AACID at Arab League Meetings

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi - President of AACID-Arab-Africa Council for Integration and Development.

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi the President of AACID Arab-Africa Council for Integration and Development.

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi the President of AACID at Arab League Meetings

The Crown Prime Minister His Royal Highness Prince Fritz Gerald Zephir - House of Sheba (Queendom Government/World)

H.E The Crown Senator Lady Laila - House of Sheba

H.E Senator Sir Andries Cornelius Young is the Crown Chancellor of the Imperial House Crown Family Affairs. He is in second capacity the Crown Family Senate representative for the Environment. The Imperial House of Sheba Crown Family Chancellor

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Abdulaziz Ahmad Ali Ahmad - House of Sheba (International)

H.E The Crown Senator Sir Emad Tareq Al-Janabi the President of AACID Arab-Africa Council for Integration and Development.

Her Imperial Majesty The Empress Shebah III and Prince Consort Hendrik II of Friesland on Their Highness Wedding Day (1981)
Freerk Hendrik II of Bedum died in 1989 and was post-humus in 2004 formal given the title Duke Hendrik II Of Nubia-Sheba House of Sheba, House of Kasambu'Ra Imperial Crown Family as one of Grandfathers and Great-Grandfathers of the Dynastic Successions lines. The entitlement included in the Nobility the House of Sietsema, House of Van Eede, House of Paans, House of De Keizer and Van Deventer.
The Imperial Crown
Sovereign Imperial House Of Sheba Ruling House of KASAMBU'RA Throne Family

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.

House of Sheba Royal Family CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation Board of Directors.
Album 1.
The Crown Family of Queendom of Sheba

ETAMENAA Caribbean-Americas Ruling House family Lines Nobility___Queen Shebah III with her father HH Michael II

HH Freerk Hendrik III of Friesland and Queen Shebah III the Queen Of Sheba on their wedding day.

HH Freerk Hendrik III of Friesland and Queen Shebah III the Queen Of Sheba on a family outing with their two Children HH Princess Shavonne and HH Prince Andrew in 1986. Princess Shavonne and Prince Andrew are the parents of the Grand Descendants of Shebah III and Hendrik III 1981 Marriage. Hendrik III died in 1989.

HH Freerk Hendrik III the Late Husband of Queen Shebah III on their wedding day. The Father of Crown Princess Shavonne and Crown Prince Andrew. He is the Grandfather of all Seven Grandchildren of the Queen of Sheba in direct Throne Succession line.