
Member Privacy and Third-Party Applications
The Queendom of Sheba websites and private networks the Queen Shebah III Arc of Nubia e-Headquarters is a Ning Private Network of the African Kingdoms Federation leadership Governance the Imperial Queendom of Sheba Crown Government, and our African Kingdom Federation Royal Forum, do not share members' information with third parties outside of our aforementioned Ning Private Network Platform, as strict privacy protocols. All of our sites we have integrated under that policy guideline as collective uniformity.
If at all, any information is ever collected it is for a specific purpose within the Arc for specific activities of the Groups Members specifically. For example if a formal planned online meeting, or special event we may ask for valid identification for our own reference, security, or event participation registration if needed on our Network as Creator.
In full accordance with our obligated Terms and Service:
We take protecting the privacy of members seriously! We specifically prohibit third-party developers from using our sites to collect, use or disclose data, including personal information, about other members without their consent or for unlawful purposes, or in violation of applicable law or regulations. Third-party developers also agree to implement and observe standards of privacy and confidentiality for the collection, use and sharing of any data related to any members that are at least as stringent as the standards set forth in the Ning Privacy Policy on our e-Headquarters Network.
Under the age of 13 are required to comply with Federal Trade Commission Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). COPPA prohibits any website operator (such as our self) or online service provider (such as Ning our e-Headquarters Provider) from knowingly collecting personal information from children under the age of 13 without first providing notice to parents and obtaining their “verifiable consent.” See the Federal Trade Commission’s FAQs about COPPA''. For more information http://www.ning.com
Wall Privacy
We do not disturb or interfere with members’ contents or layouts once in keeping with the terms of Service and our Membership Protocol. Third Parties cannot view our members pages whilst in any of the lounges unless invited by that member to view with them their private pages or directly grant authorization, we cannot and do not. We have limited access to accounts outside of resetting of our default profile picture if profile picture is in any breach, or to suspend or remove a member and with that all contents totally from our Networks.