the queendom

The Queendom
In honor of the African Union 2021 agenda for African Renaissance with the accent on Africa’s Cultural, Arts, and Heritage revival, on June 7th, 2021 a Protocol of Agreement was signed with the Mai Ndombe Province and the African Kingdoms Federation represented by the Queen of Sheba and the Crown Imperial House Foundation-CIHF, the legal person of the African Kingdoms Federation of Nubia-Sheba descendent Kingdoms. Which led to the process starting for the fourth autonomous Monarchy in Africa and the 45th in the World.
That Protocol Of Agreement includes a massive development agenda for that Kingdom's Mother Throne Queendom realm, its Province, and the Congo DRC 21 Provinces. This, is the start of a continental development agenda in line with the African Union-AU 2021 agenda for development, over the next 40 years, by the Crown Of Sheba Central Bank, the Queen of Sheba Investments Authority-QSIA, and its international banking alliance.

On 19th June 2021, by decree of the Government and Governor of Mai-Ndombe Province in Congo DRC, as a follow-up of the June 7th Protocol of Agreement. DECREES NO 132/CAB/PROGOUV/M-ND/PMB/ KN/19/2021 and PROVINCIAL DECREE NO 030/CAB/PROGOU/M-ND/PMB/ 2021 also of 19 JUNE 2021, of The Governor of Mai Ndombe H.E Ir. Paul Mputu Boleilanga. The newly recognized African Renaissance Kingdom of the Protocol was officially established under the Throne of the African continent's ancestral Mother Throne of Thrones of the Queen of Sheba, present-day descendent ruling throne of Sheba throne was formed.
The Queendom has a similar status as Monaco and is the 4th recognized Kingdom territory on the African Continent as of June 19th, 2021.
Joining the Kingdom of Morocco, the Kingdom of Lesotho, and the Kingdom of Eswatini all Patriarchal Kingdoms Thrones, as the African Continents and South Kingdoms' first Matriarchal Throne and Queendom since the Continents ancestral Mother Throne rule in ancient history, of the Queen of Sheba, the ancestral ruling Queendom of Africa.
On August 21.2021 the present ruling Queen of Sheba formally decreed Imperial Decree NO 01-2021/HIM777/Imp.QoS/Decree-8.21.2021 the new monarchy's official name as the ‘’Imperial Queendom of Sheba’’ and its Capital ‘’Imperia’’ as Crown territory. So named in honor of the ancestral Imperial Matriarchal Empire original reference name meaning, in honor of the African Union 2021 agenda for African Renaissance with the accent on Africa’s Cultural, Arts and Heritage revival, and with the inclusion of the African Diaspora that is an integral part of the Throne of Thrones representation.
The public inauguration ceremony and that of the Royal Government is planned later in September/October 2021, after the Queendom Crown Government infrastructure is put in place by the Queendom ruler, the Queen of Sheba the African Kingdoms Federation ruling Mother Throne of Thrones, the Queen Mother of Africa, in 2021 African Union African Renaissance arisen Queendom Territory of the Queen of the South.
On August 22, 2020, the Imperial Decree for the Imperial Queendom Investment Authority was signed by the Queen of Sheba the Head of State of the Queendom Crown Government, to implement the development investment needs in line, with the AU support, with the Crown of Sheba Central Bank that was established by the 2021 CSCB Act, and the Queendom of Sheba Investment Authority-QSIA by decree thereafter of the Queendom Head of State and ruler, the Queen of Sheba.
The Imperial Queendom of Sheba Central Bank is the Crown of Sheba Central Bank-CSCB, and its currency is the Crown LUMIRA QSL and AKL, which is backed by natural resources and solar energy.
CSCB was formed by IMPERIAL ACT NO. 21147-1 as THE NEW CROWN OF SHEBA CENTRAL BANK ACT in 2021 and thereafter the Queendom Of Sheba Investment Authority-QSIA towards the African Continent Development Investment agenda, in unity with the ECODAS-Economic Community of Diaspora African States and the AU Nations African Diaspora.
The new Queendom as autonomous Nation official Currency is the CROWN LUMIRA referred to as QSL-Queendom of Sheba Crown LUMIRA and QSR Treasury Notes and Coins and issued by CSCB of the Imperial Queendom of Sheba, Mai Ndombe, Congo DRC.